2008 Song-of-the-Month Club

These are the collected tunes from Autoclamp’s 2008 Song-of-the-Month Club. This is our attempt to write and record one song a month in 2008.

Right-click on the song name to download the track, or click on the small “play” symbol to listen to the song within this page.

JanuaryGeorgie, You’ve Been Had
In case you were wondering, Georgie is a woman in this instance.

FebruaryNearest Possible Friday
I was listening to a lot of the Pipettes at the time.

MarchThe Twins and the Baby
A murder ballad on its way to becoming a double-murder ballad (not of the twins or the baby).

AprilOnly Time Can Stop the Healing
I’m not sure what this song is about.

MayThis is Halfcore
Nor this one.

An attempt at writing a slow song with a different rhythm than I’d normally use.

JulyFlowchart Symphony
A song combining complicated love with Microsoft Visio.

Thanks to Nancy Rost for pronunciation guidance.

SeptemberPatsy Tipton
This song was inspired by a computer-generated name in my spam folder.

October Toho and Ealing
A simultaneous ode to loneliness and to two great movie studios on different continents.

NovemberThe Long Fade
A completely non-fictional love song, which makes it an double anomaly in the Autoclamp catalog.
